
That's what I called a great time-The beauty of Taitung~Rock

- LuTai Terrance(鹿野高臺)
Made a small trip to Taitung while having a winter in TW. Really had a great time there not only wonderful company by my friends haven't seen for months but also the stunning landscapes Taitung had.

趁著寒假回台的時候去台東小旅行了一下, 整路上的開心驚奇呢~除了超久不見朋友之外, 更對台東的美再次的折服~

- PIPA lake(琵琶湖)
If you ask me what would be the best attraction spot of Taitung during this trip, "PIPA lake"(琵琶湖)is the one I wish I can visit again. Totally a excellent place for families or lovely couples.

而琵琶湖絕對會是我這趟旅行當中的大拇指, 簡直太美了嘛!我以前怎麼都不知道有這個超讚的景點阿!真的拍胸脯保證推薦給全家出遊或是熱戀中的小情侶們~

- Don't forget take a ride there in PIPA lake
Small recommendation- Don't forget riding a bike to enjoy the cozy breeze and fresh air in the PIPA lake, really helps release some stress from daily craps. Cellphone, works~what the hell are they??At that moment I just wanna enjoy the nice and peace nature beauty there.

當然來這裡我超推騎一下腳踏車的, 除了享受徐徐舒服的微風外也可以順便吸吸這裡清新乾淨的空氣 , 把在都市或生活上的不順等等的狗屁倒灶都一股腦給他掃乾淨!只能說在看到琵琶湖美景的瞬間, 誰還管工作啥鬼的, 享受當下才是重點!

- an unexpected beautiful flower farm when heading to somewhere

花博門票有錢買不到排不到, 這裡讓你一次拍到爽還免費!
- Say "hi" to sunshine
BTW, I also shot a small video for the trip, which is a little challenging to me, specially when you need to catch up with others' schedule but also want some good shots. Anyway, really thanks for my friends' patience, cooperation of being on camera.

另外, 這次台東行我也拍了一個小影片~沒事就要小影片一下嘛!但是呢出去玩想要拍影片的挑戰就是要在別人等你之前拍到自己想要的畫面~真的要感謝我這群可愛朋友們的耐心跟合作加上不怕上鏡頭~哈哈哈~真的太感謝你們啦!萬歲萬歲!! 下面分享了小弟不才拍出的影片, 各位看官抽個空瞧瞧吧~請用高畫質~感恩感恩

Check out and hope you enjoy the video~Watch in HD!!

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