
A new toy from indisystem-indislider mini

Yes~Indislider is here!!! Haha~After reading lots of reviews about this slider online, I finally decided to get one. First impression about the product is kinda surprise to its quality. Since it costs less than $150, I didn't put too much expectation on it; however, I'm very satisfied with it-pretty solid and firm.

Playing with it quite a bit, I soon had my final conclusion of it.


Hello! 飯糰 at Tanto JP restaurant

- Tanto居酒屋, San Jose

在舊金山混了一陣子, 也吃了不少好吃餐廳但是總是忘記替他們留下美麗的倩影. 如果說手上有台算堪用的相機 , 老把他擺在抽屜裡似乎也是對不起那些被我送走的小朋友們. 這裡屁話就省了~直接來看看我覺得目前在美國吃到算是大拇指等級的"日式飯團"!!! 


That's what I called a great time-The beauty of Taitung~Rock

- LuTai Terrance(鹿野高臺)
Made a small trip to Taitung while having a winter in TW. Really had a great time there not only wonderful company by my friends haven't seen for months but also the stunning landscapes Taitung had.

趁著寒假回台的時候去台東小旅行了一下, 整路上的開心驚奇呢~除了超久不見朋友之外, 更對台東的美再次的折服~