
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

- Shot on the way for "O" show (去看O show路上拍的-O show是在Bellagio飯店)

Just come back from Vegas. Had lots of fun and tons of footages needed to manage. 

Vegas really impressed me a lot, especially I'm from a country where gambling is illegal. However, When you stand at the earth of "Sin City" and watch those magnificent buildings, beautiful lights and signs of different casinos and exciting people with wine on their hands, you can't argue that's really a sin city, a city built by money!!


Manfrotto 701 unboxing

順便玩一下雲台(tripod head)的流暢度
果然還是要class 10的!

總之 各位萬聖節快樂 Vegas 我來了!!


Red Door Cafe - Let's start a food discovery in SF

- Red Door Cafe

Things get easier when you have a DSLR with HD filming feature, especially when you accidentally stepped into a unfamiliar restaurant or cafe shop but somehow there is some thing drawn you into.

Having filmed for school and clients with the lovely 60D for a while, I've decided starting recording some
special and interesting moments while being in U.S. Something's like a video diary--"SF hanging out diary".