
More space and Faster speed

As HD DSLR filming is getting popular, we need more disk space for these space eaters. Of course, the speed of your external hard drive is also a crucial  point of restoring or transferring those Big size footages you shot.

Alright, for Apple users they have fireware 800, up to 70mb/s. It not that bad for them to concern about loading footages so far. However, for PC users, things are getting critical.

But no worry now~USB 3.0 is coming out; theoretically, it's 10 time faster than USB2.0. LaCie just release 3TB drives with USB3.0 now!!! Yeah.....Wait! What if I don't have USB3.0 port in my laptop???
OMG~upgrading would never stop....I can picture the smile on Bestbuy staffs..lol

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